Laser Lip Treatment | Epione

Laser Lip Treatment

Why do people get lip enhancement? Well, for a very basic reason: because our lips start to get thinner and smaller with age and they don’t seem to be where or how they should be. Yet, lip enhancement is as much popular in young people as it is in older ones. Luscious, pouty lips are the symbol of modern day beauty. Among all the other lip enhancement treatments, Laser Lip treatment is getting equally favorable among the celebrities as well other common people. Several other options for lip enhancement surgeries are also available but laser is safer, more reliable and it lasts much longer.

The Laser lip treatment basically starts with two preliminary steps, plumping and enhancing. In the plumping process, the lips are plumped up by using a filler injection. Although no pain is usually experienced in this laser lip treatment process, some patients might require small amounts of anesthetic. The next step involves refining. As one treatment of filler might not be enough, plumping would need to be performed two or three times. However, physicians determine if further refinement is needed or not.

Finally comes laser surgery. A very precise laser beam traces a path through the lips which helps resurfacing the skin by removing all the wrinkles and lines cutting through it. This laser lip treatment gives a fresher and smoother look for the new plump and gorgeous lips.

Like all laser surgeries, the laser lip treatment is also safe and involves minor or temporary side effects. What makes it even better is the fact that it involves no incisions. Plus, the procedure doesn’t cost too much. The results can be extremely dramatic and up to the desired expectations.

Your physician might advice you to avoid usage of certain medicines a week before the laser lip treatment. Ice compresses may also be advised in order to relieve the pain and redness if any. Normally, the patients can go back to their daily routine right after their laser lip treatment. The swelling and bruising will heal within 2 weeks. If you experience any kind of cold sores or infection at the treated area, you should immediately consult your physician for counter medications.

If for some reason you are unable to get a laser lip treatment, you must consider other alternatives as well. Theses alternates include Fat Transfer, Collagen, Dermalogen, Hyaluronic Acid or Alloderm, all of which depend on the amount of enhancement you need. If you don’t need much, your physician might suggest the use of fillers only.

Considering how prominent features our lips are on our faces, the laser lip treatment should not be left in the hands of inexperienced surgeons. Make sure you choose the best qualified and experienced practitioner so that you get the look you desire rather than one you will regret.

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