Kim Kardashian’s Stretch Mark Treatment - Celebrity Stretch Marks

Kim Kardashian’s Stretch Mark Treatment

A pregnant Kim Kardashian revealed the secret product she’s using to prevent pregnancy related stretch marks. Dr. Simon Ourian, Medical Director of Epione Beverly Hills, offers his stretch mark removal advice.

Celebrity Stretch Marks

“I just typed ‘celebrity stretch marks’ into Google,” says Dr. Ourian, “and there are unflattering photos of Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears. And that’s just the first page of results!”

More than a few models and actresses visit Dr. Ourian’s Beverly Hills clinic and stretch marks are one of the items at the top of their list of concerns. “Fans expect these celebrities to be flawless,” continues Dr. Ourian, “and within the controlled environment of a photo shoot or movie set perfection is possible. It’s the job of directors, photographers, lighting people and makeup artists to hide their flaws. And in the end there’s always Photoshop.” The problem for celebrities today is that there are paparazzi and websites devoted solely to photographing them in the most unflattering light.

Crash Dieting

Crash dieting by models and actresses, sometimes post-pregnancy, to achieve what they consider their ideal weight accounts for most of the rapid weight loss related stretch marks Dr. Ourian sees with his celebrity clientele. Dr. Ourian would never advise a client to undertake an unhealthy weight loss regimen but celebrities, today more than ever, face enormous pressure to look a certain way and they will take shortcuts if necessary.

Why We Get Stretch Marks

pregnant woman using stretch mark creamPutting the body under too much stress by losing weight rapidly may cause gaps to appear in the skin as the result of stretching or tearing of the collagen and elastin fibers that are responsible for tone and firmness. The result is stretch marks and “Stretch marks don’t discriminate,” says Dr. Ourian. “If your weight fluctuates significantly in a short period of time, celebrity or not, you’re likely to get stretch marks.” Kate Beckinsale, considered one of Hollywood’s most beautiful actresses, was quoted as saying: “I don’t know how people think you can go from eight-and-a-half stone (119 pounds) to over 12 stone (168 pounds) when you’re pregnant and not get them. I’ve got stretch marks everywhere.”

Lotions and Potions

“There are a lot of lotions and potions out there,” says Doctor Ourian, “and many of them won’t do much at all for stretch marks. I’m not familiar with the product Kim Kardashian says she’s going to use to prevent pregnancy related stretch marks, I hope it will be effective for her. But if not, we offer the Coolbeam treatment for stretch mark removal at Epione and I’d invite her to come in and see for herself what we can do.” Click for stretch mark removal before and after photos.

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